Hi, I’m Jen.

Listen. What I’m about to say is self-aggrandizing. I wish it didn’t have to be this way, but it’s important you know the truth.

I’m very good at what I do.

I am one of the few creatives (that I know, at least) who can nail copywriting and editorial and technical writing and corporate communications.

I’ve written an award-winning car commercial, and a cover story about sustainable mine reclamation. I was chosen to write for The Beaverton, and I’ve written an article that lead to a multi-million dollar contract for my client. I can work in a boardroom and a writer’s room.

There’s more!

I’m a lonely writer and I’m great in groups. This is very rare. You can bring me to any wedding and I’ll have a great time. I’m good on stage and on camera. I was valedictorian in high school and I wasn’t shoved into lockers. I’ve performed at literary festivals and in comedy clubs. I can hold my own on Twitter and LinkedIn, though I’d prefer neither.

Finally, I look good in navy. I’m 51% sure I’m my father’s favourite child. And I’m self-aware enough to know this section may alienate me from others.

Photo of Jen Reeves

Photo Credit: Patrick Coppolino

Enough of that.